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Focused Support Training
(via Webex)

Length: Typically 16 Hours

Course Number: FST-101
Maximum Participants: 10 Students

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Software Used: Each student will need a PC, and a secondary device such as as a tablet or smart phone. The PC needs to have the Webex client installed. A secondary monitor attached to the PC would be helpful.
Course Description: The purpose of this highly customized training is to educate students on topics that are specific to certain sites, functions, and tasks within the company, and are not covered in other standard training courses. Examples of these topics include Devicenet, Controlnet, Data Highway Plus, Remote I/O, PLC-5, or even refreshment of a course they have previously attended. We ask for a minimum of 2 students in the class. The topics of the course are determined by the customer based on their training needs.

This course will be delivered via the Webex, and will simulate an actual classroom environment as closely as possible. Students will be connected directly to a main session to interact with the instructor (to ask questions), and a second Webex session for hands on control of their training unit. The entire course is live, interactive, and hands-on. No material is pre-recorded. The students are always in full (real-time) contact with the instructor and their own training unit throughout the course.

Prerequisites: Students who attend this course should be familiar with the windows operating system. They should have previously attended an SLC or ControlLogix Level 1 course, or have applicable experience.
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this class is to give students the knowledge they need to backup, troubleshoot, and maintain specific networks or hardware at their facility. In a catastrophic event, the students will be able to restore functionality to this system.
The course outline will vary depending on the training needs of the students, and the system they are being trained on. Below is an example of a typical outline for the training.

1. Pre-Training – 1 week prior to the class, the instructor will speak with the students on the phone to discuss the material the students wish to be included in the class.

2. Hardware and Components – The instructor will familiarize the students with the hardware used in their system, and how to create a backup of the programs in that system if necessary.

3) System Overview -- We will discuss an overview of the site projects, locate I/O points in the project, and trace these I/O points through the site programs. We will also discuss the procedure to replace certain hardware in the system when necessary.

4) System Restoration --Students will learn how to restore the system in a catastrophic event such as a power surge, or processor failure.

5) Modifying the system – Occasionally it’s necessary to make slight modifications on a system due to changes in operation procedures, or outdated components need to be upgraded. Students will learn how to make these modifications to restore normal system operation.

6) System Integration – We will discuss how the system integrates with other processes, and how commands are received from the SCADA system for control and status.

7) Review – Students will get practice with the topics they learned in the class, and practice navigation, and troubleshooting their own systems.

To register, email Please include your name and phone number in the message and we'll give you a call to discuss your training needs.

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